2 day Cerificated Mental Health First Aid training – 10th & 11th January in Haverfordwest

We are running a 2 day Cerificated Mental Health First Aid training on 10th and 11th January in Haverfordwest.
Although many people are first aid trained in most settings it is likely you will come across more mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, stress and misuse of alcohol/drug than you would First Aid. Therefore, having the training to deal with Mental Health issues as they appear helps you to understand, support and provide assistance to those who need it. In a mental health crisis situation, the manager or work colleague actions may determine how quickly the person with the problem gets help and/or recovers. The trainer is Reconnect in Nature Director Andrew Dugmore an experienced trainer who delivers training for organisations all over Wales.
• How to recognise when a person might need help and the best way to approach them.
• How to save a life by learning basic suicide intervention skills.
• What protects your own and other people’s mental health.
• New skills that are useful in every part of your life Mental Health problems are not as frightening as most people think.
When a person has a mental health problem what they need most is someone who can:
• Listen calmly to their feelings and fears
• Give some simple information
• Tell them where to get appropriate help
COST: £120.00
LOCATION: The Green Shed, Old Hakin Road, Haverfordwest, SA61 1XF
BOOK HERE via EVENTBRITE: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/mental-health-first-aid-training-approved-tickets-52052736135?utm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&aff=escb&utm-source=cp&utm-term=listing
mental health mental health first aid pembrokeshire training wales